Do you like TCG and blockchain? Let’s discover the “OG” of this space!
There are several Trading Card Games (card to play or exchange, like Pokemon or Magic) on the Ethereum blockchain so I did some research and decided to look a little closer of one of them – the first launched and the first playable blockchain – TCG: Mythereum.
This Medieval-Fantasy card game put the focus on PvP (Player Versus Player) battles, you will have to like playing against other players before going on this adventure!
The game gives you the opportunity to play for free (and off-chain!) if you complete some tasks:
You shall now evolve in the game without spending any money. But if you want to get better cards, you will have to take a look at Opensea, trade some on their Discord or buy an Awakening pack.
For this article, we have selected with care a bunch of bandits, mercenaries, thieves, and bards to discover the gameplay, how the economy works but, most of all, participate in battle!
That’s it. You’re now a little gang leader ready to fight. But since there’s a beginning to everything, you obviously start at level 0.
In order to level up, you’ll have to fight or be an active community member!
There is some talk about rewarding active users with in-game experience points, which if implemented, will make you more powerful simply by chatting in their Discord server. Even if you’re not a chatty person, I strongly recommend you to take a look over there, levelling up will be way faster this way than fighting with other players.
Before talking about the gameplay, we have to understand how the cards have been thought. And to illustrate my words, Mythereum gives us a very nice tool: an interactive tutorial. And what’s better than an interactive tutorial to make sure everyone understands how the game works?
If you prefer words than interaction, here’s a simple run-down:
The numbers at the top of the cards are the basic statistics. The shield is for defence, swords for the attack.
The numbers in the bottom of the card will accumulate with the basic statistics on one condition: The numbers you see at the bottom of the card (in the blue square) must be equal or less than the numbers under your health (in the green square).
For example: if I had 3 magick points everywhere in the top, my card will use them when its turn comes (could be an attack or defence turn, depending on the activated skill), allowing the card to have 34 defence points and 47 attack points.
Pretty nice, no? Cards that look weak at first glance can become very powerful if you know how and when to use them.
So now, you know what are all these numbers and signs, let’s take a look at your hand.
Since there are only 5 cards placed in a hand, you’ll need to choose your strategy before starting a fight! The trick is to keep between 5–10 cards in your deck to have a better chance to start a fight with a more powerful team. It can be deadly to lose a turn to draw a new card, but sometimes the better strategy is to lose a bit of your health to earn some magick instead of losing all your cards… And the game as well.
There’s not a lot of games giving you the opportunity to be rewarded for time spent in the game and the community without spending any money. But, Mythereum is one of them.
The economy of the game is based on two aspects: war and production. You’re going to say: “nothing’s new so far”.
What if I told you: Opensea is giving you the chance to make an offer in $MX?
This first promise being held, let’s move to the next question, the one about the game’s economy. Congrats to the team for making such a balanced ecosystem which let everyone have an equal chance:
The game is keeping all the promises they made: the players are the center of the gameplay and their ability to play against others is rewarded. If someone asks you which game to start with in order to understand the NFT and blockchain gaming universe, I will recommend this one for a reason:
Everything was made the crypto-neophyte and TCG lover to help them understand blockchain gaming and NFTs at their own pace… while having fun!
Have you played already? If so, what is your best achievement? If not, I hope this article will make you want to try it, don’t hesitate to give us feedback about your gaming experiences!
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