
Quarterly NFT Market Report

Free · Q3 · 2022

Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report

The NFT Market is stabilizing thanks to solid and engaged communities with a healthy trading behavior. Usefulness of tokens now seems to take precedence over the notion of financial investment.

The first era of NFTs where profit and speculation reigned supreme seems over, and gradually a new page in the history of this technology is being written under the mainstream radar.

The next boom is beginning to take shape. There is still time to prepare for it, but get ready because this wave will most likely be even more explosive and impactful than the era of “NFT Collectibles”.

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  • The NFT market shrinks and enters into a stabilizing phase, also showing auspicious signs of a coming boom taking shape.
  • A massive 77% drop was observed in terms of USD traded between Q2 and Q3 2022 with a global volume of about US$1.7 billion in Q3 2022.
  • A net quarterly loss of US$450M is recorded for the first time ever.
  • A 84% decrease in profit at resell is observed during the period, for a total loss that decreased by 44% (US$326 million profit for US$783 million loss).
1. The fundamentals 2. A look back at Q3 2022 3. Overall performance Q3 2022 4. Detailed performance (search volume, performance by segment, market distribution by project, etc.) 5. Profits & losses on the market (profit & loss per segment over time, most profitable projects, etc.) 6. Focus by segment (key metrics about: crypto-art, collectibles, gaming, metaverses, utilities) 7. Conclusion