
Quarterly NFT Market Report

Free · Q1 · 2022

Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report
Quarterly NFT Market Report

The incredible enthusiasm for NFTs led to tremendous growth of the NFT industry in 2021. The early days of 2022 mark a new era for NFTs, with many changes to the market.
Are we facing a bubble on the verge of bursting? Are the NFTs markets holding up despite the tense geopolitical situation surrounding the war in Ukraine?
The Q1 Quarterly Report 2022 presents the first detailed figures on the reality of NFTs markets.
This quarter, we had the chance to interview Shaban Shaame, a pioneer of Blockchain Gaming since 2014, who shares his vision and thoughts on the state of the industry.

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25 min


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  • The general public seems to be losing interest in NFTs, if the search volume on Google is to be believed. Collectibles are the predominant segment in the industry, far ahead of Art or even the Metaverses.
  • The resale profit volume is down 3% while the total loss volume is up nearly 50% compared to the previous quarter. For the first time, some segments show a negative balance: Gaming shows a total loss of almost $50 million on the segment, which makes it the least profitable segment of the industry from a trading point of view.
With nearly $8 billion traded in the first quarter of 2022, the market cannot really be considered to have collapsed. We are seeing more of a form of stabilization, in line with the last quarter of 2021. Conversely, the volume of sales fell by nearly 50%, with a very marked slowdown in the volume of buyers and sellers. The great novelty of this quarter is undoubtedly the evolution of profitability in the markets. Making a profit in NFTs is no longer so easy in 2022...