

New Aavegotchi Roadmap reveals bright on-chain future

From on-chain metaverse construction to bi-weekly payouts, here’s what Aavegotchi has been up to since mainnet launch

besancia ·  · 05/11/21 ·  3 min

The NFT space has been booming, and, while most of the media’s attention might have been focused on big brands names and celebrities discovering this new technology, some projects were headed down building to deliver new features and use cases.

Aavegotchi is one such project that we have covered as being one of the most ambitious, forging its way forward in “gamifying DeFi”. Since instantly selling out the first batch of little pixelated ghosts during the first Haunt in early March, this blockchain game has already implemented some novel concepts:

  • Rarity Farming: where Aavegotchi holders are awarded with $GHST depending on their ghost’s rarity and game involvement
  • NFT badges: empowering the most active community members with some unique insignia.

However, this is only the very beginning of the Aavegotchi adventure. According to the project’s recently unveiled roadmap, there is much more to come!

Rarity Farming

aavegotchi rarity farming

Rarity Farming, whose first season started on April 20, is a massive play-to-play that rewards Aavegotchi holders in three categories:

  • Kinship
  • XP
  • Rarity Score

The higher in the leaderboard the Aavegotchi, the better the reward! In addition, due (or thanks) to the postponement of Haunt 2, therefore only 10,000 Aavegotchi were eligible to participate in the first Rarity Farming event event. 

The total prize pool for the first season is 1.4MM $GHST, and the rewards are paid at the end of each round (there are four rounds for this season).

As the first round came to a close last week, 350,000 $GHST was distributed to the top-5000 Aavegotchis from each category. Given that there are less than 6500 Gotchis summoned in total, the vast majority of Gotchis were eligible for a reward!

The rarest and most experienced ghost was able to collect over 24,583 GHST ( or ~ $38,955 at the time) — but we wouldn’t expect less from a Gotchi called Winklevoss.

Another highlight from the first round is a Gotchi named FELON, who took third place in rarity ranking after equipping their best attire just minutes before the snapshot was taken, shocking many of his rivals. He then immediately disappeared after the snapshot, returning to the shadows.

Pocket wallet and more features to come

To be able to collect the Rarity Farming rewards as smoothly as possible, the team behind Aavegotchi have developed several tools, one of which is the “pocket wallet”. This wallet is a bit special because… it makes Aavegotchis wallets themselves!

aavegotchi pocket

Rather than receiving the $GHST from Rarity Farming directly into its metamask wallet, the rewards went straight to Aavegotchi’s pockets. Thanks to this new way of distributing assets, we can say that this is the first time on the Polygon network that an NFT also serves as a wallet!

Knowing that the Gotchi pockets were already used to keep their NFT wearables, all that was missing was fungible assets to complete their usefulness as a true decentralized companion for players.

This milestone is just one example of the upcoming features to make this game even richer than it already is. With the unveiling of the V2 roadmap, many more things were announced, here is a summary of the features we expect the most:

Phase 1 (Q2-Q4 2021)

aavegotchi roadmap phase 1
  • Polygon to Ethereum NFT Bridges
  • NFT ‘Aauctions’
  • Haunt 2 (planned)
  • Aavegotchi ‘Aarcade’ Mini-game hub
  • REALM Gotchiverse Alpha Launch

Phase 2 (Q1 2022 – Q4 2023)

aavegotchi roadmap phase 2
  • Aavegotchi Mobile App alpha launch
  • REALM Public Land Sales
  • More Haunts (planned)

Phase 3 (Q1 2024 and beyond)

aavegotchi roadmap phase 3
  • REALM Public Land Sales
  • Aavegotchi Minigame Builder
  • Aavegotchi Hardware Wallet

As it is difficult to be completely precise over such a long time scale, so these dates may alter but if so the teams will make the necessary announcements to warn everyone.

Boosting the NFT industry at large

In just under a few months, Aavegotchi has been able to demonstrate creativity, responsiveness and resilience via various updates, sometimes planned, sometimes voted by the DAO. Little by little, the game continues to evolve and the community starts delivering additional content such as mini-games that help earn extra XP for the Gotchis.

The announcements made during the Roadmap V2 unveiling event are a good reminder that despite amassing a very active community in a matter of months, the game itself is at the very early stages of development.

Considering the attentiveness with which the Aavegotchi ecosystem is being built, it seems that once the “Gotchiverse” is out, the NFT industry will see even more financial opportunities and technical features that might eventually become mainstream.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article. No content or article should be considered as financial advice. We strongly recommend you to conduct due diligence and always do your own research before investing in a project.

#Play to Earn
#Virtual World
#Yield Farming

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