Our Q3 NFT quarterly report is live! Want to know more about in-depht analysis and trends about the NFT market ? Download you free copy!
We’ve all witnessed it, this quarter has been impressive to say the least, even more then could have been expected! Here we present our Q3 Report which looks deeply into Non-Fungible Token trends on Ethereum.
Summary of the various key points of this quarterly report:
Q3 of 2021 broke the $billion threshold by a long way, with almost $6 billion traded on the Ethereum blockchain alone. All indicators continue to show an upwards trend, with the number of wallets in use of both buyers and sellers increasing significantly.
Note: the number of sellers is growing faster than the number of buyers, which may suggest
that the conversion of ‘new entrants’ becoming ‘NFT traders’ is accelerating.
In our report, you will find more detailed figures on the evolution of the number of users as well as the difference between the “USD traded” indicator and sales volumes only. Also we will be sharing another exclusive NonFungible.com market indicator!
Unsurprisingly, the collectibles segment generated the most USD volume this quarter, undoubtedly stemming from PFP hype but also from the continual increase in the price of CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club.
Even so the other segments have not remained inactive either and so to get a more precise reading, we go back to each NFT ecosystem segment and look at how these have evolved during the past quarter. In addition to in-depth analysis of the distribution of Primary and Secondary sales, we also share an exclusive NonFungible.com indicator, Liquidity Rate.
The Liquidity Rate is an exclusive indicator calculated and developed by the NonFungible.com team, its purpose is to offer an overview of the liquidity of assets in the market.
The recent growth of the NFT industry has been almost unbelievable, in just a few short months, the $billion-dollar mark has been crossed in traded NFTs, followed by $billion per quarter and only then to be surpassed by $billion per month.
The market we see evolving today is a market that is growing at an exponential rate, with unprecedented liquidity but it is also even more of a speculative and volatile market than ever before.
One of the first indicators which has caught our attention is the resale rate being sold at a loss. We are currently carrying out a more in-depth study on this point and will share the results as soon as possible.
Either way, the current market growth dictates that all investors and NFT stakeholders should pay extra attention as
Triple-digit growth goes hand in hand with market instability, unrealistic expectations and potential disappointments.